Friday, April 3, 2009

Book Worm

Did you know that a dolphin is a type of whale? Or that a great white shark is approximately the length of 2 cars? Did you know that horns and antlers are very different things: antlers fall off, horns don't. These are just a few of the things WesLee has shared with me lately from one of his favorite books:

My First Book of Animals by Monica Harris

He received this encyclopedic book for Christmas when he was 3, from his Grandpa Wagenman. A few months back, he noticed his name in the front cover and asked me to read the message to him. His face just lit up, he was SO thrilled and proud that this cool book was his very own! He has since spent a ton of spare time reading through this book. It is very special to him for some reason. Even at church in Sacrament Meetings he brings this book with him. I wasn't really ok with that at first, but when he said it helps him think about how Jesus created all the amazing creatures on this Earth, how could I say no to that?

He can seriously read pretty much anything now, and this book which is now tattered and dog-eared has been a big part of that!

1 comment:

Amber said...

I will have to get that book. I love how he convinced you to let him take it to church =).