Friday, June 26, 2009

Big Boy!

Preston is getting too big too fast for me! Why do kids have to grow so fast? He has advanced to the kitchen sink for his baths now. He's about 12 lbs now, just too big for the bathroom sink anymore!

Here he is in his bumbo seat, I love this thing, and so does he!

And now for some big news....he is creeping and rolling! He actually first rolled over on his 2 month mark, and now he has been doing it all the time. And he is getting too good at creeping, he can go a few feet before getting tired of it. What a tough kid!

I was actually kind of hoping that he wouldn't be mobile so soon. All my kids have walked between 7 1/2 -9 months, so I thought it would be kinda nice to have this baby walk around the average 12 months or so, but, it doesn't seem likely. I'm still holding out hope though, but I am just very thankful that he is strong and healthy!


Lucinda said...

Oh my goodness! He is getting so big already! I can't believe he is already creeping - slow down, baby! Give all your kids a hug from me -k-?

Amber said...

Wow!!!! That is amazing! What a strong little guy.

Suzanne said...

He is such a cute baby! I love the sink baths!