Thursday, June 11, 2009

What will I find next time?

While sorting laundry, I often find very funny things in the kids' pockets, as I'm sure lots of moms do.


*the butt of a pencil after the eraser was gone
*a popsicle stick
*a tiny green ball
*a bag of crushed snack crackers(Wes started saving these from school lunches to share with me when I had morning sickness, how cute, huh?)
*a piece of a brown crayon
*an almost flat rock (I think he was saving this to try to skip it the next time we go to the river)
*a dried up weed, with root intact! (When the kids were helping me weed a little garden spot, I told them to try to get the root out, and they kept saying "Oh darn, I missed that root!" So maybe he saved this in his pocket so he could show me that he got the root that time.

I thought I'd take a picture to remember the silliness of it!


Lorraine said...

A great thing to remember. I am glad that my girls don't put things in their pockets for me to find when I do laundry.

Lucinda said...

That is sooo funny! I have found some of the same things in Cole's pockets (thankfully Katelyn doesn't do that yet). I now check them all the time since the one time I didn't, the whole load was crayon-stained!

lenseigne said...

Ya, I'm very glad I found that little crayon piece! It would've made a huge mess on the other clothes if it went through the dryer, which has happened before.

Anne said...

I love reading about what's happening to you all!
Love, Mom