Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy Birthday to my TWIN!

Today is my twin sister's birthday! I just felt like posting some pics on here of me and Lucinda. I have been thinking of her all day.

I am SO thankful that we had eachother growing up, I honestly don't know what I would have done without her along with me in my life. I needed her to lean on through hard times. So many times I have felt like Heavenly Father sent her along with me just because he knew I would need her!

This is the ultrasound picture of me and Lucinda in utero. My mom either gave it to me or else I borrowed it and forgot to give it back (sorry if that's what happened, let me know!)

I love to see these pictures of when we were babies, it just looks like we were
always talking to eachother!...

Our baptism day:

Living so far away from eachother, sometimes I feel bad that I don't talk more often with her. She has seriously been the best friend I could ever ask for in my life and I am so honored to have her as my twin!

For anyone who is wondering, no it is not my birthday today. Even though we are twins, we were born on different days because I was born after midnight, so my birthday is the next day.

It's your day Lucinda! Happy Birthday, I love ya!

Friday, March 20, 2009


Looking at the baby counter on the side of my blog, I can't believe it says only 16 days left! It's strange, because I want it to be longer, but yet I want it to be now! I don't feel prepared yet, but I want to hold this little baby! I can just tell already he is such a fun, little guy!

I guess the main reason I don't feel prepared yet is that I have been sick with the longest cold/cough ever in my life. It spread from my nose to my chest then to my ears and sinuses! (AWFUL) And I have these nesting urges, but when I try to do stuff, with being so sick I just don't have the energy to get it all done, I look at everything that has been piling up, and I just feel like crying sometimes. But, I guess it's not really important to have it all done, but yet it's such a strong urge that it is unbearable at times! Especially when I think of the things that I can only do myself, that no one can really help with. (By the way, don't get me wrong, throughout this whole pregnancy, Matt has been such a great help that I feel so spoiled at times!)

Yesterday, I was like, OK, I HAVE TO GET STUFF DONE! Matt could tell how urgent I felt, so he came home early and started helping and even got Faith in on it, and then when the boys came home from school, they joined in too! It was such a nice time, it was so enjoyable to clean together as a family. There is still so much to do, but I am so grateful that everyone was willing to help, it really has taken such a load off my shoulders. Then also, out of the blue, a friend brought over a homemade meal that just made my day! I don't even think anyone told her that I was sick! That was SO nice.

Ah, if only I could have energy like I did at the end of my last pregancy, but maybe I'll get lucky and go overdue with this one too, long enough that I get over my sickness at least! It sure sounds better than going into labor right now, with this hacking cough that has made my muscles and ribs so sore. Ha, ha! Isn't that funny that anyone would HOPE to go overdue!? But I really sort of do...but I don't...but I do....whatever... I guess it's out of my hands anyway, so I'll just be happy whenever it happens!