Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A [very, very, very] Unexpected Blessing...

We recently got
quite a surprise,
I truly could not
believe my eyes...

I stared and stared
til I thought I'd go blind.
Was I really seeing
TWO little lines?

Yes, it is true-
a baby so new,
a child so precious,
Is coming to bless us!

We hadn't felt prepared
for another child yet,
but we know God is aware
of what will be best.

So, Baby, we say:
Come our way,
our family
Welcomes You!

Wow! We have not had a baby in almost 4 years, that's a long time compared to how close together all our other babies were. From my best calculations, I'm due in the end of March. We were planning on waiting a little longer to make it public, but I can't hide it anymore, because I'm already showing! I'm defineatly no more than 7 weeks along but already people are not shy noticing I'm pregnant, even though I try to suck it in! (I guess I just have wimpy ab muscles!)

We are very excited to have another person in our family!

Making room...

Now that he has a reason, Matt has been eager to turn some unused space upstairs into more bedrooms, which we'd been planning since we moved in, but hadn't gotten around to it. Now he has already framed the walls and done the electrical wiring. He is so good at that stuff!

The kids had fun helping out... Jacob and WesLee felt so tough carrying the lumber upstairs and they are both actually really good at driving nails now. They can say they helped build these walls!

I am so proud of my guys!


WesLee on his first day of Kindergarten:

It is CRAZY how time flies by so fast! Watching WesLee run down the street to the bus stop, I can't help but still see my little tiny preemie baby. Strangely, It wasn't this hard to let go when Jacob went to kindergarten last year. I guess I will just always remember WesLee as that tiny, tiny baby.

On the 2nd day of school, WesLee seriously thought a gingerbread man hid on the bus and ran into our house after school. He searched our house high and low for this real live gingerbread man. Jacob helped him because he said the same thing happened when he was in luck though... until WesLee's class found it the next day hiding in the principal's office. The teacher quickly cut it up so it couldn't run away again! That made me laugh!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The 2 wheeler CLUB

WesLee just learned how to ride his bike without training wheels! Jacob taught him by pushing the back of the bike. They are having a blast and it's great because now when they get restless I know I can just let them go wear themselves out by riding their bikes! I'm glad we live on a street that has culdesacs on both ends, so not many cars come through here. Here's the newest member of the 2 wheeler club:

Also within the same few days, Wes taught himself how to do the monkey bars, what a srong kid you're getting to be Wes!

Self Portrait...

I thought this was so cute, Faith came and showed me this picture she drew. I could tell she really tried so hard to make it look just like her! Do you see the resemblance?

Ignorance is BLISS (sometimes!)

OK, so I've decided to learn more about what functions blogger has...the other day I learned how to do slideshows, for example. Well, today I was surprised to learn people can subscribe and get automatic feeds of my blog each time I post on my blog. I've only been blogging for less than 2 months, and even if only a few people ever check my blog, I really love that it serves as a sort of scrapbook/journal for me. And I love reading lots of other people's blogs, even if I don't know them that well.

I don't know how to find out who subscribes to my blog, but to tell the truth, I don't think I want to, because if I found out that hardly anybody subscribes, I know I'd feel a bit sad. At least I can comfort myself knowing there are people who view my blog who don't comment on it, perhaps they aren't computer savvy?... there are some people who email or call and mention something from my blog, and it feels nice to know they thought of me. Maybe I'm a bit insecure... but please don't pity me! (I know this post is probably sounding ridiculous.)

However, I got to thinking, does this mean if someone subscribes to my blog they'd be notified everytime I ever edit anything? Several times I have gone through my posts and edited things like mispellings or changed weird sounding phrases to sound better, or added in little details. So, I do wonder if anyone subscribing to my blog would be notified each time I made a little change here or there. That would probably bug them to get that many notifications. I wonder if they can see what times I made a change? That's a little embarrassing if I was doing that in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep or something. Maybe it would be best if I never found out!

I'm done with my silly rambling :)

I don't think I want to become any more computer knowledgeable than I already am, for now. For me, in this case, ingnorance is bliss!

Monday, August 4, 2008

What we've been up to lately

It been awhile since I posted, so be forewarned this is going to be a bit long! We've been enjoying the last days of summer break, and here's some of what we've been up to lately...

We went to an organic farm not too far from here, the kids enjoyed the farm atmosphere and we got to taste lots of organic yummies.

Walking around the farm there were chickens everywhere, the kids had fun trying to get as close as they could...

WesLee discovered a hen in a dark barn who we thought must be sitting on eggs...because she didn't get up and run away even with us right next to her.

We checked back a little later, sure enough there were 3 eggs...she must have been taking a little break.

We saw a mama cow with her new baby calf...

We were allowed in the fields where the cows eat (they're truly free-range, grass fed) When it was milking time, the cows just sort of lined up and herded in, eager to be milked. They wandered around everywhere til milking began. As you can see, this made the kids a little nervous, but the cows were very gentle and the kids later ended up petting them.

While watching the yogurt being bottled, one worker thought he'd surprise the kids by spraying water at the window we were looking through, it was pretty funny and made us all jump.

One of the best parts was eating my delicious smoothie. They used honey to sweeten it, no sugar, but it was sooooooo good. Gotta do that at home!


We drove to Fort Wayne to hang out with Matt. He's been spending time there training for Verizon's anticipated field strike. He normally works in an office managing business accounts for Verizon, but if the strike happens, it's a good opportunity for him to make extra money, since they pay really well to those who cover for the strikers. But the down side would be that he'd be gone to New Jersey and New York, and only come home every third weekend. We’re waiting to find out if the strike will happen or not.

Someone took this picture of Matt learning how to climb poles for strike duty. He's now doing it without the ladder, I’d like to see a picture of that! It definitely builds the muscles! :)


In Fort Wayne, we went to a place called Science Central, the kids had a blast there with tons of cool things to see and do! They got to launch rockets, inflate and lift a hot air balloon, lift and drop parachutes, build all sorts of stuff, make huge bubbles, play the foot piano, see and play the inside of a piano, design water damns, have a dry “water fight”, funny mirrors, moon bounce simulator, create a mini-tornado, give a pretend tv weather forecast and lots more. We are definitely going back to do the rest sometime. Here is a slideshow of some of the pics:


We went to Fort Wayne Historical Railroad Society where we got to ride on a REAL full sized train! (A first, even for me) The awesome staff let the kids explore the engines and coaches… Jacob and WesLee have always loved to play with trains, so this was a huge hit for them, I think especially for Jacob.

This huge train engine reminded us of the Polar Express!


We went to the Firefighter Museum and got to learn about the history and development of different kinds of firetrucks...the sign said not to climb on the trucks, but the museum guide told the kids to go right up and test it out!


We went to the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo, our kids always love any zoo. The funniest part was when Faith happily started to wander past the rope in the aviary, because she wanted to get a closer look at a big, white, exotic bird...I got her to come back, but she kept crying about the bird. Well, the bird must have felt the bond too, because all of a sudden it flew up, swooped down and landed right next to her on the fence, she was absolutely delighted! We also thought it was interesting how there were many peacocks chasing eachother around the whole zoo. Those pictures are in here along with a few others from the zoo:

Well, I'm sure that is too much for one post, but I wanted to catch up a bit, guess that'll do it for now.