Monday, October 19, 2009


Ah, I finally find a little time for some blogging. It's been awhile! Life is busy, I wish I was faster at computers, typing, etc, so I could blog about everything we get busy with, but I'll at least blog about some of it. For now I mostly just have photos saved on the hard drive and little dates scrawled here and there on pieces of paper when something happens that I want to remember.

Time seems to go by faster and faster each year for me, I wish it didn't seem so fast... it did not seem this fast when I was a kid. I feel like I blink and my kids are bigger. I don't want them to grow up so fast.

Preston is 6 months old! I know he's happy to be growing, learning and doing new things, but I'm sad because I know he won't be a baby for long, and I miss all my kids as babies. He has been crawling fast all over the house for some time. He learned how sit up by himself at 4 1/2 months, he learned to pull himself up at less than 5 months, and then to stand without holding onto anything soon after that. I know it won't be long before he is walking. Sigh..

Here's a funny quick little video, if your volume is up, you can hear how giddy he is about trying out the walker:

I think he is going to break the record among our kids for being the earliest to walk... we'll see!

This is all the time I have for now, I really want to find time to blog about my other wonderful children soon! I love my little family! Wait, we aren't little anymore, are we? I love my big family!


Lucinda said...

Holy moly! He is so little and almost walking! How cute!! I know what you mean about the kids growing up too fast - Katelyn will be 3 years old in less than a week!! Crazy!

Lorraine said...

He sure is growing fast!

Seth said...

Talk about busy-ness...I had completely forgotten you guys had another baby. I am so out of it! Please accept my extremely late congratulations!