Friday, October 30, 2009

WALKING ALREADY...Preston has set the record....

Starting this week, he is actually taking steps all by himself without holding onto anyone or anything!

At only 6 1/2 months old!!!

Wow Preston, you are one determined little baby, or I guess I could call you a toddler now. But I don't want to, you are defineatly still a little baby!

It just AMAZES me~

Here is a video for proof! He takes about 4 steps at the beginning of the video but the rest of the time he is just crawling or standing. (I don't know how to edit video yet to only show the little part where he is walking, so you don't need to watch the whole thing) And yes, I need to sweep my floor, because he is like a little vacuum!


Lucinda said...

Oh my goodness!! I cannot believe he is already walking. My kiddos were barely crawling at this point! So funny to see such a little baby walking around!

Lorraine said...

He's probably like my youngest brother - doesn't want to be left out of anything that the other kids are doing, so he needs to catch up fast!

Anne said...

Thanks for that video. He's so cute! He looks happpy! And he is like a vacuum (Ha!)