Monday, June 22, 2009

Snakes and Toads

Toads have been hopping up from the ditch in our backyard lately. I remember the day we moved into this house, WesLee found a teeny tiny little one who was a lucky little toad and got to take a swim in our brand new 'garden tub' even before we did!

This was a very interesting ugly fellow that Jacob found...

At the library the other day we went to see a "Snakes Alive" program, where Snakehead Ed brought dozens of snakes to teach all the kids about. They thought it was pretty cool!


Lucinda said...

Looks like the kiddos have been having a fun summer! It's so fun to explore like that. Miss you!

Suzanne said...

Holy moly that's a big snake! How fun.

Anne said...

Wow, your kids are growing fast!

Love, Mom