When I called my mom to tell her Preston was born, she told me she already had a plane ticket to come out that Friday. While she was here, I think if it was up to her, no one else would have done ANY dishes! I kept trying to explain to her that one of the jobs I have the kids do is empty the dishwasher at least!
She found so many things to do for me... she did laundry, cleaned all 3 bathrooms, she sanded the dresser that I’m going to paint for Preston to use, she even cleaned my fridge (YUCK) and my oven! The kids were so happy when she came, she got to go to soccer practice with the boys and took Faith to dance class and the library. I love so much that she wanted to be there for me.
As for my 2nd mom, my Mother-In-Law, we look forward to seeing her soon! (sometime next month)! Thank-you to the woman who gave birth to my husband! And who loved him first, before I ever knew him.
I have to say that this woman amazes me, because she always seems to have an enormous amount of energy! She is always busy doing something good. Whenever she is around my kids, she does nothing but entertain them the whole time! They love her to pieces, they are so excited to have their Meme and Pepe come visit!
And I thank my Father above that he entrusted me to take care of these 4 precious children. I feel so inadequate at times, but am honored to be a mother.
There are so many moms out there who I have learned so much from, by their amazing examples. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL OF YOU WONDERFUL MOMS!
Glenda, thank you for being my daughter (coming to earth and being in our family). I have learned so much from each of my children (though I know I haven't always been perfect). There's nothing greater than the joy of family.
Love, Mom
Hey Glenda! Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day! I love you lots!
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