Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Before my birthday, the kids overheard Matt asking what I would like for my birthday. I told him all I wanted was to have a peaceful day and lots of hugs and kisses. Matt kept pushing for something "Well, if I were to BUY you something, what would you like?" I am not good at anwering that sort of question-- I told him that even though I do appreciate thoughtful gifts, I really don't care about getting anything and would feel awkward requesting gifts. So, I left it at that. As I was walking out, I heard the kids starting to talk about it.

Jacob decided that like his Dad, he wanted to BUY me something. He doesn't have much money, so what did he do? He gathered up his Blackhawk Bills (he earns them for good behavior at school) and he went to the Blackhawk Store at school to 'buy' me a gift for my birthday! I thought that was SO sweet.

He got me a GLOWSTICK NECKLACE in pink and purple! I found out it was worth 20 Blackhawk Bills. That's alot of good behavior! And he knows I love pink. It was fun to wear when all the lights were out when it was time to blow out the candles. It was hard to get a picture though:

All the kids were very thoughtful on my birthday, throughout the day they brought me lots of little pictures and messages that they had made, and just kept telling me they loved me, they were glad I was born, etc... They enjoyed looking at my baby pictures. It reminded them that I was born, and that I haven't always been a grown-up.

Also Matt took me out to eat that evening, and I did not feel sick on my birthday or much at all since then! It was a great day!


Amber said...

Oh how sweet! YOu have such sweet tender little kids.

Suzanne said...

Happy Birthday sweetie! That sounds like such a good day. How thoughtful that he would buy you such a pretty neclace. You are definatley loved.